Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm coming back

Though busy with Awana and now wedding things...I feel compelled to come back and do a little blogging. I will post a random picture. Hmmm I just remembered why I stopped blogging. My laptop died. After Karl tried to fix it and couldn't cuz it was the motherboard, he searched far and wide (on the 'net), and blessed me with my very own brand spankin' new Sony Vaio! Thank you dear husband of mine!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Scrap Sweatshirt project

Here's a work in progress. Hopefully after the class we do on Saturday, it will be a finished Scrappy Jacket...which I hope my mommy will actually wear!


Hmmm... 2 felted purses... one knitted by hand and one made from a shrunken old sweater. Can you guess which is which?